
5.44 Acres for Sale in Ramah, New Mexico

5.44 Acres for Sale in Ramah, New Mexico


Scott Bossman

Scott Bossman

Scott Bossman

By Owner
0 Reviews

Property Details

Property Description

You are completely free to create and build the home of your dreams in any way you like. Imagine waking up to the peaceful serenity of nature each morning instead of the city's horn-blaring and thronging sidewalks.

Not yet interested in building? No problem. This land is ideal for RVing and camping. You can escape for the weekend without ever leaving the state. This property offers countless opportunities, so begin making plans for the future right away.

Land investment is a wise financial decision that has been shown to increase in value over time. Plus, there is a lot of opportunity for creativity with this plot, so anything is possible. Don't let living in a city hold you back any longer; use this chance to create something genuinely exceptional and one-of-a-kind.

Property Address: Deerfield Dr., Ramah, New Mexico 87321

Parcel ID: 2082049500090

Size: 5.44 Acres

Terrain: Slightly Treed, Sloped

Access Road: Dirt Road

Conveyance: Warranty Deed

Utilities: No Natural Gas. LP, diesel, or tank

Water: Can drill a well or haul water to the property

Septic: Would be needed

HOA: None

Taxes: $62.64 per year

Camping: Allowed. No restrictions.

Types of Homes Allowed: Mobile homes are allowed. RVs allowed; no minimum square footage required when building

Nearby Attractions: Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary, El Morro National Monument, Ice Cave and Bandera Volcano, El Malpais National Monument, Big Tubes Area

Discounted Cash Price: $13,500

Owner Financing: $999 down and $255 a month for 60 months

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The information within this listing is posted by a private or third-party seller, and we do not guarantee the accuracy of the information enclosed. We encourage you always to verify ownership and property details listed. As a precaution, due diligence in any real estate transaction is encouraged, and closing through a verified title company is advised. To the maximum extent permitted by law, we do not accept any responsibility to any person for the accuracy of the information herein.

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