Red-Hot Real Estate Buys of 2015

Red-Hot Real Estate Buys of 2015

Red-Hot Real Estate Buys of 2015
Did you know that a group of real estate analysts gather their statistics and rank the best states to invest in property? While they all appear to be based on proper data, they don’t often agree with each other. None the less a list is developed with just a couple of powerful features to be considered. The good news is; private real estate ownership is predicated to be higher the next few years than it has been since 2011. We are midway in a flourishing market and the demand for raw land to develop remains on the upswing.

Urban Land Purchases

The top states to obtain raw land relates solely to the acreage and the potential for growth in that area. Texas is at the top of the heap this year, listing three cities Austin and Houston. Listed below are the places considered to be the most likely to give you a great ROI according to Pcw.



San Francisco


Dallas- Fort Worth

A few of the points examined to make this determination depends on what investors and developers are looking for this year. This list includes of livability, economic growth, and recreational amenities as well as real estate development.

Houston, for example, is the place to go for manufacturing and technology. They are flooded with jobs, and urban development is struggling to meet the demands. Mining and manufacturing are two reasons for the astronomical economic upturn. This trend doesn’t appear to be coming to an end anytime soon, but it is expected to slow gradually in 2015. In fact, few people expect the price of oil to remain low.

Austin has been steadily climbing the ladder of growth over the past several years, but 2014, and 2015 boomed to exceed expectations. The powers that be indicate no down turn is projected; in fact the potential for jobs has expanded. Investments in technology and real estate development are expected to explode this coming year.

San Francisco has fallen from the top spot for reasons they can’t control. While they are still considered the place to invest in hotels the retail and housing markets have not changed. Other cities progress has simply misplaced San Fran’s top ratings. The lack of space for additional housing is a significant factor in their limited growth pattern. The houses that are available are simply not an affordable choice for the average worker. While this is one technique to maintain the exclusivity of the region, there is a price to be paid.

Denver has always been a personal favorite of the beautiful people and these past two years clearly indicate the millennial generation concurs. The job market is out of control with over fifty thousand new jobs in 2014 and the prediction of another increase of at least three percent this coming year. The housing and land development is being challenged by the baby boomers and the millennials. Lodging is becoming scarce, and construction is picking up to meet the demands. The one big plus for Denver is their strong employment growth that includes a surge of highly educated individuals looking for a place to call home.

Dallas-Fort Worth is a sneaker of sorts. Why isn’t it the first on the list? It has the greatest multiplicity and stability when it comes to the job market. The most growth in land development and the highest industry standings are higher than the top four listed. The potential for continued growth is safe, and the forecast is bright for the future.

While the drop in oil prices had influenced analysts’ projections for Texas to take a dive, they have come back with numerous alternatives to support and increase their growth. They have more major cities labeled with the “P” word than any other state in the union. San Antonio isn’t on the most wanted list, but the progression of jobs and housing suggest it probably should be. That raises Texas to another level giving them four municipalities with enormous desirability.

When investing in land and houses you have to scrutinize the basis of the analysts’ forecasts and not just accept them at face value. Eventually, you learn how to determine the next greatest property to purchase and beat the crowd. It certainly isn’t too late to reap rewards for the upcoming year based on the information provided.

Each of the top three or four towns has a few commonalities. The availability of cheap land, cheap houses, low unemployment rates and massive job markets are all factors. They all are drawing on two generations the boomers and millenniums.

To support America’s economy we have to become more competitive and increase our productivity. That includes development in land and business. Some people equate a lean mean approach to production with job losses, but statistics demonstrate just the opposite.

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